Portfolio: Halo Wars 2

Portfolio: My work for Creative Assembly on Halo Wars 2 as Core Designer

About Halo Wars 2:

Official Info Page

Halo Wars 2 is the sequel to Ensemble Studios’ 2009 Xbox 360 RTS, Halo Wars.

Main Features

    • Campaign: 19 total missions
    • Multiplayer/Skirmish: 5 distinct total game modes
    • 2 Factions and 16 Leaders (including DLC)
    • 14 total maps across all modes

My Role as Core Designer


Halo Wars 2 consisted of a total of 9 releases. Between these, the type of work I was doing shifted here and there, which is detailed below this section. Throughout all the projects, the areas I was working on were:

    • Skirmish AI: Designed, implemented and iterated the skirmish AI strategies. Worked with our AI programmer to define and refine the AI’s macro and micromanagement behaviors.
    • Balancing: From the point of joining, I provided detailed analysis and feedback from the perspective of a high level RTS player. In the DLC phase of development, I had increasing balancing responsibilities.
    • Campaign AI: Co-designed the campaign AI scripting framework. Trained level designers in AI scripting and provided support where needed.
    • Multiplayer Level Design: Provided map layout details and helped establish level design standards.

Detailed List of Tasks and Responsibilities

Main Game

  • Skirmish AI:
      • My primary focus until release. Worked closely in all areas with our AI programmer, Derek Fagan. The primary direction was to implement an AI that doesn’t cheat, and plays human-like.
      • Co-designed the AI scripting system’s functionalities.
      • Designed and documented AI macro and micromanagement behaviors.
      • Designed difficulty modifiers
      • Scripted 5 AI strategies for each leader in each game mode (except strongholds, which had 1 per leader).
        • Boom AI: Economy and expansion-heavy.
        • Rush AI: Train anti-building units ->destroy enemy base ASAP.
        • Map Control AI: Light pressure -> energy node control focus.
        • Turtle AI: Super defensive with early turrets. Makes late game units.
        • Fast Tech AI: Upgrades to Tier 2 -> pressure with mid-game units.
  • Campaign AI:
      • Co-designed the framework for AI scripts used in campaign.
      • Designed difficulty modifiers used for campaign AI.
      • Trained the Level Designers in AI scripting.
  • Balancing:
      • Constantly researched build orders and their interactions throughout development to report on the state of balance.
      • Handled a small amount of balancing tasks.
      • Took part in defining unit roles, such as what counters what.
      • Gave feedback on all balancing areas.
  • Multiplayer Level Design:
      • Provided detailed feedback on map layouts.
      • Helped established certain design standards, such as no extensive resource crates near expansions, 4-5 energy nodes per map

Sargeant Forge Leader DLC

    • Co-implemented the skirmish AI strategies for Forge.

Kinsano DLC

    • Co-implemented the skirmish AI strategies for Kinsano.
    • Completed minor balancing tasks.
    • Gave balancing feedback on units and leader powers based on playtesting sessions.

Colony DLC

    • Implemented the skirmish AI strategies for Colony.
    • Participated in early design iteration processes for leader powers, units, and upgrades.
    • Completed balancing tasks around the Goliath.
    • Gave balancing feedback on units and leader powers based on playtesting sessions.

Sargeant Johnson DLC

    • Implemented the skirmish AI strategies for Johnson.
    • Participated in early design iteration processes for leader powers, units, and upgrades.
    • Co-implemented the Mantis and Colossus units, as well as their unique independently turning upper body behavior.
    • Gave balancing feedback on units and leader powers based on playtesting sessions.

Icons of War DLC ( Arbiter and Jerome)

    • Implemented the skirmish AI strategies for Jerome and Arbiter.
    • Participated in early design iteration processes for leader powers, units, and upgrades.
    • Gave balancing feedback on units and leader powers based on playtesting sessions.

Operation Spearbreaker and Serina DLC

    • Implemented the skirmish AI strategies for Serina.
    • Participated in early design iteration processes for leader powers, units, and upgrades.
    • Supported the level design team in scripting the mission AIs.
    • Implemented the balance changes for the monthly patch and maintained the patch notes along with dev comments.
    • Gave balancing feedback on units and leader powers based on playtesting sessions.

Yapyap DLC

    • Implemented the skirmish AI strategies for Yapyap.
    • Participated in early design iteration processes for leader powers, units, and upgrades.
    • Co-implemented the Cannon Fodder, Heavy Grunt and Grunt Goblin units, and their upgrades. Also performed several balance passes on these.
    • Gave balancing feedback on units and leader powers based on playtesting sessions.

Awakening the Nightmare DLC (Pavium and Voridus)

    • Implemented the skirmish AI strategies for Voridus and Pavium.
    • Participated in early design iteration processes for leader powers, units, and upgrades.
    • Implemented the Wraith Invader unit, and also performed several balance passes on it.
    • Gave balancing feedback on units and leader powers based on playtesting sessions.
    • Gave feedback to the level design team on the new campaign missions based on playtesting sessions.